About Me

You name it, I'll create content about it. 

One thing I am truly passionate about is helping companies to transform big ideas into practical reality. 

For me, marketing is a form of expression. It’s a way to exercise my creativity through my client’s goals while finding unique solutions to challenging problems. 

In my role with The Matchmaking Company (the parent company for Executive Matchmakers, Love Life Academy, and The Setup), I use digital marketing strategies to boost our SEO and drive traffic to company websites. For example, utilizing trending Keywords within blog posts has proven to be effective as my blog posts continue to hold the highest page views on our websites and have ultimately increased session duration by 20 percent. 

The company has also noticed this success, awarding me with the “Rookie Rockstar” award for my marketing work within my first year on the team. 

Examples of my most notable work can be seen on Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and most recently websites such as JoinTheSetup.com and ExecutiveMatchmakers.com

My Story

To this day, my mother jokes that I was born with a pencil in hand. I suppose that’s because, for as long as I can remember, I’ve been telling stories. Before I learned how to string together letters and form words on paper, I expressed myself through art. My patient family members listened kindly as I would describe the story which was illustrated through my silly doodles. By the time I was able to sound out the hard-to-spell words, I began working on my first illustrated novel—an enthralling series about a trench-coat-wearing Dog Detective who spent his afternoons fighting crime and solving mysteries on the neighborhood streets. (Unfortunately, these stories remain unpublished and tucked away within my mother’s stash of childhood mementos.)

Throughout my life, I’ve always had a pen and paper there, supporting me, quietly. As I grew up, I developed a nightly ritual of downloading my daily thoughts through a personal journal. At one point, I started an amateur blog and learned how to tell stories publicly and online.  

The point of saying this is not to embarrass myself—although, it kind of does. I say this, however, to prove my genuine and undying passion for writing. Both personally and professionally, I am a writer

Though my high school and college experience certainly centered on writing, it wasn’t until after graduation that I began to take the skill seriously as a career choice. After my first gig with copywriting, I knew that I had found something worthwhile. 

Although I consider myself to be a perpetual student of the craft, I can confidently say that, at this point in my copywriting career, I’ve done a bit of everything. From business to business, email marketing, to web copy, my portfolio proves my dedication to both diversity and excellence. 


Thanks to my years of experience working with companies like Content Ninja, LLC. The Setup, Executive Matchmakers, Love Life Academy, and The Matchmaking Company, I feel very confident in my written, oral, and interpersonal communications skills. As a copywriter, I combined creativity with marketing analytics to create split-tested emails to potential customers. My team knows they can always count on me to produce detail-oriented and quality content in a timely manner. 

Some highlights from my work with Content Ninja, LLC:

Some highlights from my work with The Matchmaking Company:

Social-Media Management

At the University of Tulsa, I worked as the Social Media Manager for the university's weekly News broadcast. There, I developed and managed the show’s social media platforms (Instagram and Facebook), significantly expanding audience engagement and following by 200 percent on Instagram within the first two weeks. My social media marketing plan transformed our news program from a nearly obsolete online video program to one of the most-consumed news outlets on campus. 

During my internship in the communications department at the Philbrook Museum of Art, I planned and instituted a marketing plan for the museum’s outreach into the social media platform Snapchat, and prepared regular social media posts and videos with an eye for viral content strategies. To increase brand awareness to the public and outreach to a younger market, I developed a social media campaign with a local high school that drove museum attendance of minors up by 10 percent within a one-month period. I also regularly replied to online comments with useful and helpful feedback and provided an overall pleasant and interactive experience of the museum’s brand in order to instill customer loyalty.

On-Screen Experience

At the University of Tulsa, I worked for the weekly, live, online News program as both the Social Media Coordinator and the on-screen, co-anchor of the News and Sports sections. There, I was able to grow my journalistic skills as I wrote, directed, and delivered several on-air news pieces. 

I also have experience creating YouTube content for matchmaking brands, Love Life Academy and Executive Matchmakers. I conducted by weekly interviews with matchmakers to get their expert opinions on trending topics, dating trends, and core relationship advice.  

Each week, I collaborate with the matchmakers to decide each week's topic with a focus on expanding our brand awareness.  


My formal education includes a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Tulsa. 

I also hold a Double Minor in Art History and Spanish. 

Teaching Abroad

I am blessed to have been born into a family that loved to travel. From Tanzania to Brazil, my parents have taken my four step-siblings and me all around the world for as long as I can remember. I am so grateful to have experienced several historically rich cultures across the globe.  I credit my family for giving me an insatiable curiosity to adventure the world. 

In 2016, I decided it was time to go abroad alone. So, before my junior year of college, I went off to Florence to spend the summer studying Renaissance Art and Architecture. Quickly seduced by the warm Tuscan culture, I found myself imagining a life spent forever there. Although those two months eventually came to an end, I traveled home knowing that one day I would return for good. 

That day two years later. In August of 2018, I packed my bags and moved everything I owned to a small apartment in Madrid, Spain. I would go on to live there for two years. For work, I taught English and Art to Kindergarten through Fourth Grade children and conducted private tutoring lessons on the side. My time in Madrid was undoubtedly one of the best experiences of my life. Thanks to that incredible experience, I was able to improve my fluency in Spanish, meet an amazing and culturally diverse group of friends, and immerse myself in the enchanting culture, history, and lifestyle of Spain. 

For more info about my experience Teaching Abroad, please check out my Teaching Portfolio and my Final Teaching Project, linked below.

Volunteer Work

 I actively prioritize volunteering my time to support my community. At Kendall Whittier Elementary school, I organized the funding and implementation of an after-school bicycling program that empowers children from minority and low-income families to learn and enjoy new skills and responsibilities in a safe environment. 

At Tulsa Global Alliance, I helped facilitate the immigration of international students and families within the city. 

As Gallery Assistant at Living Arts of Tulsa, among other duties, I worked directly with artists, poets, and other creative leaders within the local Mexican and Latino community to organize, plan, and host the annual Día de los Muertos festival